The work:
Choose your technique, find your God, begin your path.
There are different techniques to communicate with the invisible, to experience it, to realize it and to create, preserve and destroy.
Everyone has to find out for themselves which technique works best, or a master can give the student their own way of working.

This text is for introductory purposes only. If you want to delve deeper into the practice, you must follow this path yourself and register. You will not find any ideas for cross-border practice on this page.

The techniques are: Meditation, ritual, renunciation, prayer, dance, creativity, appearance, experience, and more.

– Meditation should be familiar to everyone. This can be done by sitting quietly or by mindful action. It is quiet, concentrated attention.
– Rituals are constructed frameworks in which various actions are dramaturgically prescribed and performed according to a template.
– Renunciation is actually the wrong word, it is rather a restriction that one imposes on oneself in order to serve one’s God and follow one’s path. This can be of a physical nature, or any other situation. For example, sleeping naked on the floor in front of the altar once a week without a blanket or pillow. Or never drinking a certain beverage again in order to always think of your deity instead. This also includes vows of silence and hard yoga training.
– Prayer is the inner dialog with the deity. It is a wonderfully simple form that every child can master. In Saghori, there are only a few rules that must be observed.
Never ask for anything, ever. Not for health, not for success, not for the solution of problems or any other idea of the ego. You must never do this, not even when the worst illness is there, or the cruelest moment. Never.

Saghori means experiencing all the contents of life, without fear or greed.
The only request that is desirable to ask is the request for awakening, for the destruction of all obstacles within yourself. Ask for the great liberation, the grasping of the absolute being, the realization of the highest consciousness. The crossing of the threshold.

Saturna, please take my hand, accompany me across, test me, teach me, guide me. Please burn my ego, my karma, my humanity. Please let us be one. Gods, please let us dance, please free me from everything that is not the absolute truth, the essence of all life. Please let me experience only the highest God-realization, be only life, only power and dance.
This is the only permissible request of Saghori.
– The dance is part of the Saghori practice, as we can learn below.
Tandava is the sacred dance of the gods, we dance it best as slowly as possible, but also as wildly as possible, give yourself completely to the dance.
Obsession is desired. Dance, slowly, quickly, as you are led. Let the deity dance through you.
– Creativity is a very joyful path. You can realize your devata by worshipping it in songs, in self-created works of art of all kinds. You can always honor your divinity by making it the focus of your creative expression.
– Appearance means self-creation. You become a deity by dressing like your deity, wearing symbols of your deity, having your hair cut like your deity and completely transforming yourself outwardly into your deity, thus making your worldly self invisible.

When the Aghori, clad in jathas (dreadlocks) and tiger skin, smoke their shillum wrapped in ashes, they themselves are God Shiva, no longer the human being they once were.

– It is more difficult to find the key in the experience. One looks for life situations that correspond to the actions of the deity. Shiva sat naked on a mountain top, Shiva wandered homeless, Shiva smokes shillum, so sit naked on a mountain top to meditate, wander homeless and smoke shillum. Kali drinks blood, laughs madly and dances in the cremation grounds, so drink blood, laugh madly and dance in graveyards. Become your deity.


And now find your deity.
A deity is a consciousness and its energy. Saghori is an energetic path, not an exclusively gnostic one. Without the help of higher energies of consciousness, we can never reach the highest levels. Without deity, man always remains a limited human being, however much he may realize. That is why it is important to feed our energy with divine energy.
A deity is like a shard of mirror on a mirror ball. All the shards together make up the One, and each shard reflects the same light and leads to the same whole.
A deity name is the existence of the deity as sound.
Every deity is able to lead us to cosmic consciousness if we search honestly.
Therefore, it does not matter which deity we realize. It depends on our sympathy, on our inner structure, which deity is ours. The personality of the deity is a mirror of our own personality. Only in this way can there be a healthy relationship with the Highest.
Since our personality can also change in the course of our lives, the deity also changes. For example, your first deity may take you to a certain threshold in life, and then another deity takes you over, whose task it is to take you to the next threshold. Such processes often take three to seven years, or longer, sometimes even shorter, it depends on the path.
And ultimately, every face of a deity is just a mask of the One that only exists to be a mirror for us.
The better the deity corresponds with your structure, the more successfully your energy will merge.
Actually, it is said, the deity chooses its devotee by planting love in his heart. If you are attracted to any form of deity, you should definitely pursue it.
I recommend a retreat for three weeks to test living with the deity.
During this time you will spend at least one hour a day with your deity. You will engage intensively with your deity. Read their stories, hang up pictures, do things that the deity does.


In Bakthi there are nine forms of deity worship, this is the path of Saghori:

  1. listening to and reading the stories of the deity
  2. singing for the deity, worship, praise.
  3. remembrance, the permanent remembrance of the deity in everyday life.
  4. sitting at the feet of the deity. Build an altar for the deity, spend time there, light lights, keep it clean, light incense.
  5. rituals to spiritualize life. Small rituals at different times of the day or occasions, a big ritual every Saturday, rituals on holidays.
  6. worship and bowing. Bowing is an important gesture. Learn humility. We bow to the divine every time we pass the altar. But every situation in life is also a bow, because every situation is a form of God.
  7. serve, don’t just serve the deity, serve life. Do things as a service, such as yoga, sport, but also breathing and eating. Your whole life is a service to your deity. Ask for guidance.
  8. God as a friend, as a father and mother, as a partner, as your own child, as a direct relationship person. The deity is no longer in heaven or somewhere else, we live directly in a family relationship with each other. You decide for yourself what that relationship is. Friendship with the gods lasts a lifetime.
  9. total realization of God, total devotion, only the divine exists, everything is only a form of the divinity, nothing is what is not divine. Feel God as your own self.

There is also the godless path in Saghori, without deities, but this is only for initiates.

Therefore, practice, practice, practice.

Asceticism means nothing more than practice. Avoid everything that disturbs this practice, do everything that makes this practice better. It’s very simple. There are no rules, you are the rule.

Generalized commandments are a hindrance and stupid, because there are too many different people and ways. What applied to a certain people thousands of years ago in another part of the world no longer makes any sense here and now.

A spiritual path is always individual, because no one is like another.

So don’t be a toddler and blindly follow the instructions of the past, experience your own boundary, your own commandments, and your own recommendations.

That is Saghori. The search for oneself.


Retreats are an elementary part of Saghori.
You determine a set period of time in which you follow set parameters of action.
This can be three days, three weeks, three months or three years.
During this time, intensify your spiritual work. At best, avoid any contact with other people during the retreat. No distractions, no computer, no television, no anesthesia, no parties, no worldly music, no distractions.
Start the day with meditation, sport and rituals. Read stories of the gods, praise your deity, think only of the deity. Interrupt your sleep at night to pray. On weekends during the retreat, do your ritual twelve times a day, with an hour break in between. Keep a diary, write everything down.

And when you have chosen your deity, established your daily practice, and are ready for the great transformation, then the path of Saghori begins.
In, through, away.
Transformation, overcoming, realization.
Ignite the fire of pure life.

Important: Saghori accompanies us into the deepest depths of our being. Saghori purifies us and transforms us.

This can lead to unusual life situations. Old traumas can break open, unlived energies can flood us, psychoses can break out, as can depression, hearing voices, seeing the invisible. We may lose partnerships, jobs, homes, but at the very least we may lose perspectives and blockages.
A spiritual path is only a path if it leads through different levels. If you meditate for twenty years and lead a quiet life, you are not on a spiritual path.
You recognize the strength of your path by the upheavals in your life. If it remains quiet, you are not on it. Look at the periods of time in large format. Are you still the same person you were five years ago? Then burn yourself out, otherwise you don’t need to go any further.
If you’re not transforming, you’re not in the process.
The transformation process from a limited human to a liberated god can be very painful in between. Pain is burning karma. When the fire of God ignites us, old residues burn away. This is very painful for our old ego. But without this process, there is no transformation. Those who are afraid of it are lost.
That is why Aghori is the path without fear, because it reveals to us the worst thing there is, our own being.
All the exercises only serve to make us stable and successful for this crossing.
The obstacles we encounter are internal, external and hidden.
To overcome these obstacles, you should entrust yourself to a master, because only the guru can guide you safely through them. The word guru means ‘destroyer of darkness’. Guru is the direct voice of God speaking to us. This can happen through a living person, the human guru. But it can also speak to us through all the mouths of the world, through all situations and all seconds. Guru is the language of God with man.
Or we are guided directly by the deity, that is the path of the hero, that is Saghori.
Inwardly leave humanity, leave your parents, your society, your acquaintances.
Solitude must be sought for many years, only then will the power begin to flow. But do not hide in a cave, seek it only to be undisturbed. Otherwise storm into life, reject nothing. Loneliness can be found everywhere.

A Path

„I was cursed all my life not to find an incarnated guru. I had to learn all things myself, that is my path. But my guru always spoke to me anyway, every day, every second, through a thousand faces of life, until he introduced himself after all.”
Those who can hear, hear it everywhere. Those who can’t hear, don’t even hear it through a human guru. Following a spiritual path means always hearing the language of God.
Those who can read reality do not need books.
Books are the despair of the deaf. Those who have to read are spiritually handicapped. A word that does not embody its own meaning as a primal sound, as a mantra does, is only a form without content as a substitute for what is said. Those who need words are deaf. Of course we climb the highest towers of understanding with Jinana Yoga, but those who do not use cognitive thinking and word form as an exclusive tool, but instead assign their own value to them, are not in a position to reach the highest. Words belong to matter, which we must abandon if we are to realize the highest. The great life can never be squeezed into any word. If we demand of life that it limits itself in words, because otherwise we cannot see it due to our limitation, we are on the wrong track. Those who cannot free themselves from their limitations will simply remain lifeless. Words are never the path to knowledge.
The truth that we seek and find is infinite. A word that describes this truth must therefore be understood in the same way by all people at all times, otherwise it is worthless. Since no word fulfills this requirement, all words are worthless. The word OM is the only word that fulfills this requirement.
In our culture, sacred writings carry the faith of society. However, since every person interprets a word they read differently, the actual truth of these writings shatters into millions of shards, each shard fighting the others.

There is no read truth. There is no truth at all, at least not an objective one.
Our understanding begins the second we realize that everything is only relative and subjective.
In the beginning, of course, was the word, but this word was not a thought, but pure electricity. That is why silence is the essence of Saturna, because only in silence can we hear God’s language, the essence of which is vibration.
But all people who have realized the highest speak the same language, without misunderstanding, because this is the wordless language of pure being.
Rituals are also a language, through action and image. Every feeling is a language, every situation. Communicate without words and heaven will show itself.”

A spiritual path is a path of ease, not a start-up. We don’t have to exert ourselves, everything happens as if by divine hand. If we have to do something with inner struggles, it’s the wrong time for that struggle. When it’s our turn, the battlefield is only as big as we can make it to victory.
As Saghori, we live in people’s fear spaces, in their repressed and condemned.
We sleep in graves, we eat from skulls, we are weak, defenseless and disoriented. We are powerless and open to all pain. And that is precisely why we are strong, because we are not afraid of weakness. We know exactly where we are going, because every step leads us forward. There is no orientation in a directionless space. We are always naked and vulnerable, this knowledge turns us into armored fortresses, because who wants to undress those who wear nothing? We are everything that is bad and unwanted, everything that nobody wants to be. And we laugh about it, freely and without fear.
Man is only imprisoned by himself. Not by its content, but by its interference. Man’s actions are his destiny, that is karma.
If the highest self, your cosmic consciousness acts through you, then you are free from fate, free from karma.

Dance is directionless and without a goal. It lives through itself, is sufficient unto itself. This is the divine movement within us, free and dynamic. Life is a dance.


The practice of Saghori consists of everyday life and sacred time.
Before we start the magical practice, we should prepare ourselves.
Saghori practice can pick up speed very quickly from a certain point, so you have to have a safe case.
The most important thing we need to do first of all is to laugh.
We have to train ourselves to have a cheerful gallows humor, because laughter kills all seriousness. Seriousness is the worst of all conditions. Saghori kills the seriousness of seriousness, using humor as a tool. Laugh at yourself, and at every situation in life, laugh at your problems, at your traumas, at your misfortunes, at everything you think is your self.
Humor and attention are the pillars of your path.
Attention – be attentive every second of your life as a witness within you, like the tiger before the jump. Everything is reflected and perceived, attention is not focused but in the big picture. You are awake and concentrated on what you are doing. No multitasking.
Always feel the presence of life within you.
Be non-judgmental, cheerful, curious, open, attentive, humble, grateful, courageous and free in your thinking.
Do not allow yourself to be caught up in greed, hatred, devaluation, exclusion and other tamasic vibrations. These are the tools of the primitives, those who are in the state of animals, driven, ignorant, closed, limited, unreflective, like small children, torn by their emotions, permanent victims of themselves.
We, on the other hand, raise ourselves to sattvic octaves. Our anger is divine and serves to destroy our human limitations. Our anger is directed against everything that is not the indestructible essence of pure life.
Our fear is the call to confrontation, the call to the dark. Follow your fear.
Our hatred is the hatred of imprisoned humanity and ignorance and unknowing.
We marginalize only exclusion and devalue only devaluation.
Everything must dissolve through its opposite.
All emotional worlds are equally valuable. The experiencer has become the space of experience.
If you feel jealousy, then open up your relationship and face your stupid fear. If you feel envy, let everyone else go first. If you are angry, create a spiritual bomb out of your anger and kill your false self, the ego, which feels attacked. If you feel subconsciously attacked, always expose yourself without protection. If you are afraid of love and commitment, get married. If you are afraid of being hurt, rejoice in every wound. If you don’t like certain groups of people, then become part of that group of people.
This is the path of Saghori.

Everyday life

Mastering all this in everyday life is the greatest exercise of all, and everyone fails at it a thousand times a day, so we can practice a thousand times. Saturna is rigor, discipline and perseverance. With constant work to success.
A spiritual path is not a sofa cushion. We have to free ourselves from prisons, wrestle with elemental forces, throw ourselves fully into the waves of life, dive into the deepest depths.
We burn, are conceived in pain, and die under our eyes.
A spiritual path is not a life balance, it is a wild dance, and we are warriors.
Therefore, build your fortress well, and wear strong armor, learn to fast, learn to renounce, learn to look only at the essentials.
Destroy all detours and frills in your life, become clear and direct.
You are the arrow, life is your goal.
The practice of Saghori is primarily based on the mind set. There is no point in performing crazy rituals but letting yourself go completely in everyday life. Everyday life is our life, it is the largest unit of time. We have to ally ourselves with it.
Mantra on the way to the train, breathing exercise on the bus, visualization during the break.
Clear rules that you never break.
Daily spiritual practice.
A strong inner structure is the basis for our journey.
We want to get to the edge of the universe, so it is important to have a stable spacesuit.
You can practise this way of living for three weeks in a retreat.
But everyday life is the parachute that will save us when the ground falls away.
Pay the greatest attention to everyday life. Be immediate, be flawless.
Produce no guilt, no projection, no ignorance.
You want the full life, then be ready to receive it.
When the fires start to burn, when the storms rise and the waves crash against you, then you will jump into life, because you are free and have done all the work.

The most important basis for Saghori is overcoming the three qualities. Study the three gunas intensively. But reading is not enough, recognize all gunas in every situation, recognize every predominant guna in everyday life, free yourself from their power, which seems impossible. Of course, we are always in the guna, but in awakening the fetters are loosened and the person is no longer affected by them internally.
This is blatantly important, because only those who are trigunarahati are free beings, without relative qualities.



This ritual can be performed every day.
It is the basis of all actions. Be naked, or get you some skirt you can wear, if nakedness is not possible.

You will need the following accessories:
-3 candles, preferably black, or three ghee lamps
– A small, fireproof copper bowl
– Dried cow dung ( you can buy it even from amazon for Agnihotra)
– ghee
– Meditation mat (a piece of fabric, leather or a cushion cover without a cushion)

Place the three candles in an isosceles triangle.
If you are invoking a female deity, choose your triangle with the point facing downwards.
If you are calling a male deity, choose your triangle with the point facing upwards.
You can use tape or chalk to draw the triangle on the floor. Or draw the altar and then place the candles in the corners.
Place the small fire bowl in the center of the triangle with a 2 cm² piece of cow dung dipped in liquid ghee.
Sit in front of your spiritual field with an upright spine.
Ideally, you should sit in the south and point north at the north-facing triangle.
But you can actually forget about cardinal points for now. We are flying on a permanently rotating sphere through a directionless infinity, why should I orient myself in any cardinal direction, that’s ridiculous. None of this is constant. That used to be important, but we don’t need it anymore. Burn your ideas.
Build your altar where you feel it.

Part 1:

Vibrate OM three times in the bottom of your stomach.
Breathe yourself into the darkness, with each exhalation release your thoughts and feelings into the void. Become a dark, empty space yourself, inside and out. Meditate with your eyes closed as darkness and emptiness. Now find your spiritual heart, in the center of your chest, slightly at the back of your body. Find your fire of life there. You are the fire and the nocturnal space, nothing more.
Keep the meditation short but intense rather than long and lazy. 10 – 60 seconds is enough if it is experienced as absolutely immersive and realized.
Concentrate on your breathing, especially the exhalation.
Then count down ten breaths, focusing on the exhalation.
Then remain in silence.
Light the three candles, the top or front one first, then the left one, then the right one.
Bow down, feel respect and love, curiosity and passion.
Light incense, circle the incense three times clockwise around the center of the triangle.
Bow down and invoke the saturnine threshold:

Dark Sadev, space without knowledge and without words
I call you with the name xxx (your deitiy, or just Saturn)
Saturn, I call you.
I ask you to open the gates to the cosmic consciousness that is mine.
Saturna, dark mother, the night sky is your womb, we are your children, the children of black time.
Bow again.
I call you in my heart, I call you in my body, I call you in my space, I call you in the now.
I call you out of love.
Bow a third time.
I call you to dance, let’s dance, let’s play, let’s be free.
Chant your mantra.

Part 2:
Speak to your deity. Describe it and act like a loving person who adores the most beloved thing in the world.
For example, say:
Saturn, you dark old master, you crushing, crystallizing force, in me, in everything. You gateway to infinity, to cosmic consciousness. You unattainable, you life taker and life giver. I want to open myself up to you so that I can come to you. I want to give myself to you so that your steps are mine. You are everything, you are me. You are the master builder, the doorkeeper before the Most High. Be my key, be my path, be my movement.
Saturna, black womb, you infinity and closeness, you deepest depth, you wordless belly, I grow in you, I grow to you, I grow through you.

I am in you, you are in me, we are in each other. Kill everything that is not clear truth. Mother of destruction, drink the blood of my shadows and demons, please eat my ego and excrete it as dung, I will anoint with it.
You forces of awakening, you paths to enlightenment. Nothing else will I drink but the blood of truth, which I can only realize through death.
In, through, away.
I dance, free and wild, in my heart burns the eternal flame, the all-consuming flame, the annihilation of my non-being. I give everything into this flame, all feelings, all thoughts, all ideas, all being, because only what is ashes is indestructible. Pressed ash, starry diamond.
I only want to be that which is indestructible and one in love.
I am the hero, bold and fearless, unafraid of the great, ever further, ever higher, ever freer. Dancing, laughing, burning, our life is a sound in infinite space.
Old world, dead, old self dead, only the dead find their way over the bell.
Visualize yourself sitting on a funeral pyre, light the wood beneath you and burn until the ashes fall from your bones and are carried by the wind in the four directions.
Bow down and remain there, touching the ground with your feet, your hands and your forehead.
Now hold your hands like receiving bowls in the air over the center of the triangle, as if you wanted to draw water.
See how dark light pours into your palms, lead it to your heart, then over your head to the crown of your head, then in front of your third eye, and finally to your mouth, and swallow it down. Feel how it sings pleasantly into your heart and feeds the flame there.
Bow three times and be silent.

Part 3:
Rise up.
Dance the dance of your divinity. Transform yourself into your deity and dance the dance as slowly as possible. Dance in slow motion, because Saturna is time.
Become a deity, dance acts of the gods, such as Kali beheading the demons and humanity with her axe and drinking their blood. Or Odin hanging from the tree and receiving the runes, or Saturn wielding the great sickle.
Dance your gods down to being.
Then light your fire in the center of the triangle and extinguish the three candles.
Let the fire burn down, stare into the dancing flame and meditate wordlessly on the essence of the fire.
When the fire has gone out, remain in the darkness.
Give thanks from the bottom of your heart.

Vibrate OM three times in your deepness.
Then end the ritual
You can incorporate bells, gestures, dialog. It is your arena, shape it.

Saghori defines deity as consciousness with energy. At its core, man is also just consciousness and energy. Deities are a more scientific reality, they are the essence of life as such, the faces of the universal power of being. It will never be measurable. Think of the deity as the part of yourself that gives you access to the highest itself. This happens through action. The experience is the moment that is realized. Not the explanation in your head.
Everything is consciousness and energy. There is only one consciousness. But there are many energies, because energies can form and experience form. The highest divine, neither male nor female, both male and female, containing everything, producing everything, that is the primal force of being as such. Being is God. The temporal dimension in which the divine reveals itself is the direct now. Now is the form of God. Space is the form of God. Likewise, it is our form.

In order to recognize and realize the highest truth, we must leave the realm that, in Saghori’s words, is before the saturnian threshold. Everything that we define as being human belongs to it. Feelings, thoughts, ideas, body, senses, everything perceptible. All these elements are part of the divine play and space, and also wonderful to play with, but they are not an ultimate truth. The human in us must be destroyed, only then do we reach the divine. We stage an ego-death in order to liberate the basic energy and thus be independent of form. Our true self is indestructible because we are life as such. Our consciousness is eternal because there is only one consciousness.
The freedom of absolute being is the realization of the highest. This is very simple.
Awakening means becoming clear and simple. The reason why someone should awaken in the first place is the simplicity and directness of life, the liberated energy of being. Nothing is blocked, nothing is projected, nothing is repressed, neglected or stagnated. No more self-sabotage, just the free flow. There is no more guilt, no shame, no fear, no illusion, no hope, no regret, no doubt, no limitation. Everything is one, everything is power, everything is as it is.

Our society today seems as if it is barely capable of working spiritually. We have an artificial fear guard within us, the ratio. The very idea of giving ourselves over to a ‘fictitious’ deity is almost unbearable for our Western ego. Even in the spiritual realm, we tend to present ourselves as users and magicians. After all, we think we are in control of our own destiny and we can shape it; we act like we are the great makers and masters. We don’t allow ourselves to be led around by the nose and we don’t give up everything for a fantasy. That’s how we often see ourselves in our self-delusion. We, the big ones. We, the ones in control, the ones who take ourselves seriously and don’t let anyone talk us into it.
From the outside, this rather looks like a childish delusion of grandeur. What great things can people influence? What do they have in their hands? We don’t even know if the bus is coming, what kind of rule is that? And then we get angry when the bus doesn’t come. We are so powerless that we have to fantasize a huge power in order to fight it. What are the benefits of your life balance yoga? Does anything change? I mean something real, not a view, a self-perception or a life situation. I mean an area that is told in movies as the Matrix. Who is moving you? Who are you when you are asleep and dreaming? And now you are awake, what difference is there? Who beats your heart and who sends all this information through you and makes you function? You?
Who is this you?
You are life itself. So dance.
This is what I mean when I talk about awakening. Life is a permanent lucid dream, with full confrontation with reality. Reality is real. Just like in a dream.
But that doesn’t change anything, we are players, played by our highest self, that is reality. And being that is the path. Realization is energy.

About Saghori

From time to time, consciously seek contact with people and situations that you don’t like. Look through the eyes of the other person, and also through the eyes of the situation. Look at yourself in the process. And look with the awareness of the person you may not like. Become that person. It is completely normal to dislike others in your humanity. Everything is the way it is. But it is only internal, you should always leave the other person alone, because everything is just a game in our minds.

If the bus pulls out in front of you, don’t run, never run. Then laugh and thank the bus for driving away so that you can finally wait in peace. Laugh at yourself and your anger about it. Be angry, don’t suppress anything, but laugh about it. Prepare yourself, you know the buses rarely come. Seize the moment. Take responsibility for all parts of your life, and those parts are time. It is our day. This is Aghori, not sitting in scary temples. This is nonduality. I am very far from it. A daily practice, excellent.

Focus your attention on powerful everyday events. Starry sky, moon, light, breathing, sensory perception, action, fire, sleep, waking up, pet. What is in front of you, no more, no less. There is power there. We need to be grounded, in the famous here and now. Our dance is the rhythm of our heart, our life, our impulses, our dialog with life. Our dance partner is life, and the deity is a sliver of this incomprehensible universal life. The Godhead is the key, the threshold, the path, the liberated being. Everything is part of this divine body, the divine body is us, our space, our being, our movement, our energy.
Everything is God. Everything is divine, even destruction and endings, despair and trauma. Everything is language, everything is form. We are the dancers on these fields. And every moment constantly recreates itself, every moment is evolution and explosion. Every old moment dies immediately after its creation. Every moment is always dead and new. This is the battlefield of life. And we drink the blood of every dying moment, because we drink life. This is loving, divine vampirism. We live through life.

Path of the Cat


And this directness leads us to the path of the cat.
Part of the Saghori-path is to activate the entire energy palette within us, including, and especially, the so-called animal frequencies. Let us follow the sound of the animals.
Here the deity becomes the animal that accompanies us.
Cats are the preferred choice. They can hardly be manipulated by our ego, they decide, you are their servant. This must be the relationship between deity and person, between Living and being. And everyone who loves cats knows that this service feels like a gain, like love and expansion.
And we must also become animals ourselves, immediately, unquestioningly, directly.
Always ready to pounce. The look of cats when they set their sights on their prey. This is how we should fixate on life, always ready, attentive, focused on aliveness, on spiritual nourishment, on the highest self as the only real source of energy. Our focus on God, Goddess, highest self must be as sharpened as the cat’s attention, just before the leap…
And when there is nothing to do, we rest.
And the purring of the cat is the great OM, it is the sound of the universe. The deep hum of all cats creates a web of vibration to vibrate in this planetary atmosphere.
Cats are gods, as everything can be our guru, if only we begin the search. This is Saghori…. The search for life, for Divine Being, for the highest, whatever that is.
In peace and harmony with life and with all creatures. All forms of being are forms of the highest. Everything is a dance, everything is welcome, everything is free.
No fear, brave and free.
Like the heroes, they say in the old tantras.
In harmony with the deep bells of Saturn, the dark OM
Practice equanimity every day, observe the play of frequencies in your world.

Accept everything as it is. Every situation, every moment, every feeling, every thought, every sensory stimulus.
Practicing this is the highest of all exercises. Do not judge anything. Let everything flow freely through you. No interference from the ego. No control. No defense. No greed. No wanting. No goals.
Just devotion to life. To be lived by the deity, which we are only ourselves.

Bear the full consequences of your actions and inactions. Take responsibility on all levels of existence.
Stay with yourself. There is only you. You are reflected in your environment. You are the cause.
You create reality. This means that your energy of projection and experience create a stage of your being that plays out what you input. The link is only broken when there has been a transformation of your own being.
What are you? Do not search in words, in writings, not in forms.
Search in fire, in life, in being, in the now.
Don’t search outside, find within yourself.
Do not search in yes or no.
Do not search in above or below.
Everything is a path, the seeker paves his own way through nothingness.
This is the eternal creation, always ahead, every being creates its space, it is being, is space, only wants to be space and movement.


The Saghori system works as a modular system.
Choose your goal, choose your god, choose your technique.
Saghori does not focus on the appearance, but on the path.
The spiritual paths of all people always follow the same architecture, whereby both their gods and their techniques are interchangeable. It’s not about the name of your god, it’s about the way you live and work with it.

The core in Saghori is the free creativity of our god realization.
There are no rules. You are the rule. You decide which deity you choose, how you walk, how fast you walk, and how you shape your path. Saghori only gives you the tools, you have to walk yourself, at least until the deity moves you.

The only way that really works is the way of love. We have to love what we do, otherwise there is no point. In the same way, we have to love the deity we choose for ourselves. After all, you don’t marry just anyone whose character you don’t like.
Therefore, always follow the signs that attract you with joy and love. Love is the voice of God, through love the deity calls you to himself.

Why a deity?
What we call deities are energetic forces. They consist of consciousness and energy. Their task is to bring people to their full development and reveal their true nature, which is immortal. Every deity can do this as long as it is fed by the cosmic primordial water. All saturnine deities of the world are therefore suitable for Saghori. Since all these deities are nondual, there is no morality or consideration in their work. They have eternity as their home, where death is but a blink of an eye. That is why we have to overcome our primal human fears so that the deity can work in us unhindered. It transforms us from within. Only with the help of a deity can a person ascend to these heights. And only those who leave the human being behind can realize the deity and thus the highest self, Shiva.

Path of Destruction

The path of destruction

Saghori is the path of destruction. It burns away all obstacles and all illusions. It destroys everything that does not lead to the highest realization. It eliminates all meaningless ornaments and shows the direct and immediate path, without waste of time or self-pity.

We consciously destroy the obstacles within us. There is no outside and no inside.
There is only the space of experience.
Duality is a stage.
Stay with yourself. No one else has anything to do with you except yourself.
Everything is just your self.
Take responsibility. That is Saturn.
Destroy the illusions that your consciousness is other than the consciousness of another existence.
Don’t destroy things, but your attention to them.
Why are you thinking about tomorrow and yesterday? Destroy this addiction.
Why do you hope for something else or wait? Destroy this addiction.
Why do you suffer when you only experience pain? Destroy this illusion.
Who are you?
Why do you listen to your thoughts, why do you believe your feelings?
Why do you plan your life when it can blow like a storm?
Destroy all these humanities.
Destroy all these fantasies of right and wrong, of good and bad.
Destroy everything that you think means anything.
And when everything is in flames and your whole life sinks into darkness, worthless, indifferent, then be ready to die.
Leave everything that can be destroyed to the saturnine millstone.
Surrender completely to death, leave everything behind, be ready.
And then awaken!

Saghori is pure, undressed spirituality.


The essential foundations of the path

Saturnian action is focused on the essentials, it is simple, clear and unadorned.
The first thing we need to establish is humor. A respectful humor, but an all-devastating humor. Laugh at yourself, find the humor in every situation, no matter how bad it is. Laughter kills seriousness. Seriousness is limitation.
There are no serious situations. Life is a dance, even in suffering.
Laugh, laugh, laugh…
Everything that exists has a right to exist. Every situation, every creature, every condition.
Accept everything that exists, without judgment.
There is no past, there is no future, there is only now.
Every human being is by nature a free, divine energy.
This energy is consciousness and power.
The human being is a potential. He holds himself energetically captive by believing in feelings, thoughts, situations, ideas. He does not see the true, he only sees his projection. Man is guided by fear and greed. These forces are not negative, they are only unwholesome if they are not understood.
In order to liberate the divine within us, we must leave the human within us at the threshold of Saturn.
Only then do we enter the space of cosmic consciousness, the primal force, the space of what we call God.
This path leads through the destruction of our limitations, which are formed by the centralized ego.
Separateness is an illusion.
All things are always equally true, even if they are their opposite.
The fire leads us to the fire.

All spiritual paths are equal in their human resonance.
When a person worships a god, the same processes take place in that person as in another person who worships a completely different god.
It is the same with meditation, trance, insight and enlightenment.
It is always the same everywhere. Only the forms, the contents, the appearances change.
Saghori means recognizing this and thus destroying any firm belief in anything, because belief is the worst imprisonment of all.
Faith is a force of creation.
Faith turns the subjective into the objective.
Faith creates reality. Faith limits.
Those who cling to their faith have lost their lives.
That is true captivity.
Spirituality has nothing to do with faith. Faith is a tool with which we can materialize ideas, nothing more.
You don’t need faith to realize God, in fact it is a great hindrance.
Faith is fantasy.
What we need is nothing more than Now.
The now is the door to God. And this now has no characteristics. It is only now.
Kill everything but the now.

Where do you want to go? What is your goal?
Here are some examples:
-I want to make my spirituality more effective and connect with effective sources of power.
-I simply want to try something new, I am curious and courageous.
-I am interested in Saturn and Saturnian magic.
-I am looking for a traditional path with clear lines and current guidance.
-I have long felt that I am not finding my way in religions and other traditional paths.
-I recognize that darkness, suffering and death are part of life and am looking for a path that does not hide this, but even consciously works with it.
-I am very spiritual, I am seeking awakening, but cannot find a guru and cannot or do not want to live in an ashram or monastery.

-I feel magically attracted to the path of Saghori for no apparent reason.
-I already have spiritual experience in theory and practice, I reflect intensely and have a high understanding of such things. Can Saghori offer me anything at all?
-I am enthusiastic about the path of the Indian Aghori, but cannot really follow it for various reasons.
-I am willing to do anything to find what is called enlightenment.

Then you’ve come to the right place.

But should you say:
-I mainly want to use spirituality to maintain my life balance, I may be interested in positive thought forces, Buddhism, or other spiritualities that I consider harmless.
-I want to work on myself, reduce stress and find my way in life because yoga and meditation are an integral part of my life?
Then Saghori is not for you…
Because only when everything is burnt do the ashes show themselves.
Saghori is the fire that burns everything that can burn.
Our life is the fire, our truth is the ashes…

Which technique suits me?
Here, too, we have to decide individually which type we are.
It makes no sense, for example, to force a parent of four children to lead a monastic life. A sex-positive person will have just as little success if he tries to suppress his urges through religious abstinence.
Saghori works with people, not against them. And all aspects of a person’s existence must be illuminated and taken into account.
What do you like to do and what don’t you like to do? What is your basic energy? What needs to be overcome, what needs to be cultivated?
A spiritual path is 100% individual, there are no two paths that are the same. That is why there can only be one personally guided path that is tailored to each individual.
This is part of Saghori.

Which deity suits me?
Is there perhaps already a deity that has shown itself to you in your heart?
If not, choose your deity.
To do this, we recommend that you first take your time to look at all the deities and make friends with all those who come into question for you. Get to know each other, but take your time.
The process of finding a god can take up to three years.
To do this, choose a deity and begin the first retreat for a few weeks. During this time, you will become familiar with each other and can check whether you understand each other.
Then take a three-week break and take the next deity. If you have not formed a firm partnership with a deity in three years, either try it without a clearly named deity or wait. Or you can simply decide by rolling a die.
In essence, it doesn’t matter which deity you choose. Sometimes deities also have their special time. Just as different teachers looked after you in your childhood than in your education, gods sometimes only come for certain periods of time and when the work is done, you are passed on to the next one.
Important: If you tinder with gods here and never get a date, you’re doing something wrong. Then it’s down to you, not the deity.

More importantly: Real, genuine contact with the deity, which brings about real change, only comes about after intensive daily partnership. Before that, there may be infatuation or even shock, but the real, spiritual connection that unites deity and human being takes at least a few years to accomplish what Saghori is supposed to accomplish.
Time is an important factor in Saghori.
The reason why we choose a deity, or why the deity chooses us, is simple.
We can never get from the ground of our humanity to deity without the guidance of these deities. We cannot light a candle if we do not have a fire.
This fire of divinity is the energy that lights our life candle.
Before this ignition occurs, we are just walking shells, reduced to the mental and emotional experience spaces of the body.
A person centralized in the ego can never find heaven.
And only the deity dissolves this ego and builds the channels through which our divine primal energy can flow unhindered.
Here are some deities that are well suited to the path of Saghori.
I will deliberately refrain from describing the respective deities here, because it is part of the path to find this information yourself and to come to terms with it.

Saturnus by Christian Ermel

Saturn, Chronos, Keyvan, Shani, Zuhal, Gede Nibbo, Legba, Lucifer, Odin, Wotan, Baphomet, Hecate, Medusa, Jesus Christ, Allah, Shakiamuni Buddha, Tara, Kali, Mahakala, Medea, Kaal Bhairava, Ganesha, etc.
Or have you found another deity? There are no boundaries, there is no truth, there is no rightness. It is only about your personal relationship with the deity, nothing else.
Do what you want.
Important: The energies of the deities must be liberated in the same way as ours. To do this, we must first forget everything we know about dealing with this deity.
The Jesus in Saghori is not the Jesus as worshipped and interpreted by Christianity.
The Saghori Jesus is the pure power of overcoming death, the resurrection from darkness and the connection to the most High through the spirit. This Jesus does not forbid any sins, but ultimately liberates us from the karmic principle.
In this path, we ourselves walk the path of Jesus, and we are also left alone by God and hang on the cross, powerless, like Odin in the world tree. This is darkness, this is death, this is the way.
There is no way to the light without going through the darkness. Aghori means no fear.
We have to be ready to die, only then does real life come to us, because death is part of the story.
So bury the person you think or believe you are.
And then receive the pure divine in your empty shell, which has always been full of God.


Freedom in Saghori consists of the art of detaching ourselves inwardly from everything and connecting only with the higher parts that we realize in the form of a deity. In doing so, we connect with the moment without fear, we plunge into it, we give ourselves into it, we open ourselves completely, without fear.
This is deeply Saturnian because it is the most effective way, no distractions, no detours, no traffic jams. The highway to heaven.
Leave the human and become divine being, quite simply.
That is the path and nothing else.
It is logical, clear and goal-oriented.
It’s all about energy.
Free it, the blockages are only within you.
Connect with what people call God, within you, every second, without denying yourself.
Your truth is yourself.
Recognize yourself
That is you.
You are life, you are consciousness, you are energy.
But you are not the originator, you are a splinter.
Only all people who have died, been born and will be born for all eternity together can see the face of God.
We are splinters of the Infinite Being…
And yet only traveling, dancing, laughing observers….
In us, God observes the world, our being, and everything that is not visible.
You are only God in your core….that is the core of the poodle….

Hara Hara Mahadev

I recommend everyone to do a research in astrological, and kabbalistic.


The Path of Fire

The path of fire.
Light the fire in your heart.
Burn away all ideas, all attachments, all feelings, all thoughts.
The fire is the only truth.
Fire is light and heat, consciousness and energy.
There is no firelight without heat, no consciousness without energy.
Burn everything in this fire. Burn every second, from this comes the power of movement.
In fire is all wisdom. In fire is all darkness.
Everything that can be burnt is untrue.
So let the fire in you burn everything until only ashes are left of you.
That is your truth. Ashes.
Nothing but ashes.
Ashes can no longer burn, they are holy.
It is black and grey and colorless.
This is the truth of the Saghori.
Burn the past and the future within you, everything becomes ashes, everything is now.

Saghor Saghori Saghora