Saturn, the dark god of time
Or rather: Saturna, the dark mother…

Why Saturn?
One of the first gods in human history is the lion-headed God of Time, who was later called Aion. Many thousands of years ago, this god evolved into Vishnu/Krishna, Mahakala/Kali, and also reached Europe as Chronos/Saturn.
Saturn is therefore a name that describes a consciousness and an energy body that has guided the destiny of humanity since the beginning of time.
It embodies time, and therefore also space. It is the most distant planet in the old astrological world view, and thus represents the threshold to the unknown infinity, which is metaphorically a symbol of cosmic consciousness, which is worshipped under the name Shiva in other cultures.

Saturn stands for the threshold of death and the threshold of birth, which together limit life and thus give it a temporal form. Saturn is often depicted as the Grim Reaper, the god of time who eats his children. He is associated with darkness, death and trials, but also with discipline, austerity, loneliness and hard work. Saturn is Kalki, an incarnation of Vishnu, who, as the great cosmic judge of the world, cradles the souls of the deceased, thus creating and maintaining balance.
In Kabbalistic terms, Saturn is in Binah, the female pillar of austerity, where as Ruach he occupies the position of the holy spirit, which reveals itself through conscience, among other things.
Saturn is therefore actually feminine, so let’s call her Saturna.
Saturna is the female womb, she is the black womb of the dark universe, which carries all existence within itself and gives birth to the matter of existence.

Painting by Christian Ermel

In order to reach Saturna, the seeker must first cross the so-called Abyss, for Saturna stands at the threshold of the materialized world, which one must leave in order to enter her force field. This abyss is part of every spiritual path.
Those who seek enlightenment must cross this threshold, beyond which all duality is left behind, where the soul is liberated from attachment to all that is transient.
Saturna is also Kaal Bhairava, as the last dimension perceptible to humans before divine infinity.
Saturnian energy is always reduced to the essentials, without adornment or distraction.

Saturn is absolute concentration.
Saturn is the solitude of the meditator, the gnosis of the highest truth, the threshold to God, the crystallizing energy of purity, the knowledge of the self, the happiness of absolute being, Satchitananda.
Saturn is enlightenment, Saturna is the great wise mother of our soul.

But neither Saturn nor Saturna are God, they are only names.
Names are vibrations and reality. Deities are consciousness and doors to the higher self. Nevertheless, her power exists as a source and can be tapped into by anyone anywhere in the world, because our bodies are designed to unite with the divine, because no one is actually separate from it.
Each name is a place in the vibrational field of being. Each of these vibrations has a specific form in which it works and becomes real. And each person also has their own field of vibration and therefore needs their own door in order to communicate with the highest deity and realize the absolute.
For example, if you want to experience the delights of worldly love, you may only find it in a single, suitable counterpart, not in every person you meet. And all the people in the world will never find their love in one and the same person. It is the same with deities.
Every person needs a suitable vibrational model in order to make progress.
Every person therefore needs their own deity. The “one god for all” model is total nonsense in logical terms.

Saturn/Saturna are therefore not understood in Saghori as the “ultimate deity”, but as consciousness, a vibrational level in the cosmos. And this level has different names worldwide, but they all lead to the same door. Some of the names that can be used to invoke Saturn are Shani, Zuhal, Keyvan, Chronos, Kali, Mahakala, or Kaal Bhairava. In Voodoo it is Papa Gede, and in the past it was Odin who formed this figure in Europe. Allah, Jesus and Manitu are also names of this level and lead us to the highest.
So there is no god Saturn, there is only one door through which you can cross your own threshold. And we call this door, this deity, this level “Sadev” for short in Saghori.
Sadev has no form, no person, no name, and certainly no gender. It is a kind of joker in heaven, you can call it whatever you want, you can imagine it however you want, you can worship it however you want. The important thing is that it works.
Sadev is the principle that carries all of Saturn’s forms within it. Sadev is the threshold.

Every human being carries all divinity within himself, every human being is the same on his spiritual path, only the forms and names with which he surrounds himself differ.
Therefore, Sadev is the access of all human beings in all forms.

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