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Some terms as defined in the Saghori:


Even before humans settled down, they got intoxicated. Intoxication has been a part of our culture since the earliest breaths of our species.
Intoxication opens up a new dimension of experience, and is even said to expand consciousness. Intoxication is as useful, and dangerous, as a car. If it is understood, the traffic is regulated, and everyone gets a driver’s license, then it is an irreplaceable and wonderful means of transport between the worlds of existence.
But without this embedding, it unfortunately only causes accidents, traffic jams and traffic chaos.
That is why intoxication must be learned.
Only do what you really feel drawn to, the rush will call you on its own.
Learn to surrender, but also to control yourself.
Intoxication in Saghori is never oblivion or numbing, repression or function.
Then intoxication is guilty.
Intoxication is the absolute clarity of the experiencer in full enjoyment and the best state.
Intoxication has a perfect limit, which must be found and cultivated.
Intoxication is one of humanity’s most valuable tools.
Intoxication is communication with other beings.
Intoxication is a journey and an experience.
Intoxication is energy and consciousness of another level, just as the soul is intoxicated by the divine. Being intoxicated is metaphor and support, but never confuse intoxication with God, even though it may feel like it. Intoxication can give you deep insight, but only your primal energy can truly transform you. Intoxication remains an experience, an experience, a space.
And a Saghori intoxication is always clear and alert, no loss of control in reflection.
Saghori is never drunk, never slurring, always an observer of the situation, unless you consciously dive in and disappear.
Intoxication is a valuable asset that must be trained respectfully.
Therefore, only use the plants, the mushrooms, and the meat for your intoxication. Only what has grown from the soil of Mother Earth may be consumed by the Saghori as a sacred intoxicant.

Only do what is right at the moment, then you will not become addicted. Saghori means to love intoxication, but to avoid it when there is deep work or strong transformation. Learn to live with and without intoxication, only then can you play with it.


Sexuality is connecting energy. Saghori has no restriction or opinion about it.
Everyone should do what no one else touches in word or deed against their will.

The most divine sexuality is transsexuality.

The beste partnership is Polyamory.
Once own sexuality is destiny, or karma, to a certain degree. There is no right or wrong. Everyone has their own world. Hurt no one, that is the only law. Stay respectful and ethical.
Sexual identity only harms the individual himself because it limits him and binds him to a fantasy through attachment. Sexuality is always spontaneous and free, there are no concepts or labels.
Saghori is the path to non-identity.
Every identity, be it sexual, political or religious, is surrendered to the great fire in Saghori and burns as the worst pillar of the ego.
Political, sexual, social and religious identity are the roots of all prisons.
This is where Saghori begins, this is the path. Free your sexuality from identity. It is a river, nothing more, nothing less.

Sexual energy is magical and can and should be used for all magical and spiritual work. There are no taboos, only respect for all life. Transformed sexuality is power. To work magically, the sexual act itself must be dissected in detail to functionalize and direct every aspect of it. It becomes yantra, machine.
Sexuality is pleasure, be ethical but explode, excess is a must.
Don’t be afraid, Aghora.
I know it’s hard, but that’s the only way.


There are different forms of communication with the other reality, rituals are only one of them.
The best ritual is the spontaneous unfolding of a moment in movement, expression and play.
Simply doing what you feel.

And for the many moments that you are not in this spontaneous expression, you should make a small ritual mixture every day, always the same, simple but powerful, so that you don’t lose the thread.


The burning being.
Fire is the essence of life. Fire is light and heat, consciousness and energy.
The fire of the highest divinity ignites our fire of life and burns the path to the crown within us.
The fire within us is the cremation ground of our centralized ego, every moment of experience burns here and becomes ashes, every second of life burns here and becomes dance.
We give all our feelings and ideas, our thoughts and forms to the fire, and all these corpses burn, giving us light and warmth.

Other Systems

“Der Saturnianische Mensch” by http://www.christian-ermel.com

Saghori sees itself as syncretism. Saghori assimilates everything that is helpful.
Spirituality is not a possession. Spirituality is a universal human language.
Every worshipper has the same energetic patterns, no matter which god he worships.
Every meditator has the same levels. Every awakened person has the same consciousness.
Spirituality is a search of man as a being, free from division.
Every spiritual path is only a path to the same. Which one you take depends on your own inner structures. Each path differs only in its appearance, its form, its character. There is no right or wrong. There is only the inner path of the heart.
Saghori tolerates every individual life path as long as it does not affect another person.
Everyone goes their own way and must take full responsibility for it.
There is no spiritual appropriation, because our soul knows no cultural boundaries.
But there is trans-spirituality, the feeling of having been born in a foreign spiritual culture while being attracted to a foreign one.
This is of course rather common in spiritually nihilistic countries such as the Western world, where people fall prey to exoticism and seek salvation where there is a living spirituality. In other societies, you are not a freak if you walk around with prayer beads, but a disciple who can learn something. That makes it easier. But it shouldn’t be easy. We are where we are and we have to find our salvation there, i.e. here. But saghori is not about salvation.
Saghori is not based on a condition that needs to be healed, i.e. that is sick.
Everything is as it is. We just cannot see or hear, cannot move or be free, in the state of the everyday person.
Healing and unhealing are duality, and in Saghori there is no such thing. There is nothing to heal, there is nothing sick, there is no redemption and no salvation, because everything is redeemed and saved, it just doesn’t look like it.
Saghoi is only about knowledge and energy, about awakening and being.
Self-knowledge is knowledge of the world.
Saghori is Zen, Tantra, Sufism, Shaivism, Aghora, Kaula, Gnosis, mysticism, magic, Thelema, occultism, voodoo, and much more.
Everything is one. No boundaries.