Saghori combines the basic techniques and ideas of the Aghori with the energetic principle of the Saturn archetype known in the Western tradition to create a simple but effective path.
Saghori is the essence of spirituality.
Saghori is transformation.
Saghori is a life without limit.
Saghori is the passion of absolute existence.
Saghori is the power of awakening.
Saghori is the realisation of god.
Saghori is the knowlede of the true self.
Saghor Saghori Saghora
Saghori is perhaps the left-handed path, as the saying goes.
Or the path of the left hand.
In Saghori this is defined in four ideas.
1. in Indian culture, the right hand is for eating, it is the pure hand. And the left hand is for touching impure things. Those who walk the sattvic path follow the path of purity, the right path. As a metaphor, this is the path of the laws of right and wrong, in short, of duality. This path limits oneself and others. But this limitation is intentional and justified. In this mental image, the left hand is therefore the hand of the impure, of decay, of the dissolution of duality. The left hand says that everything is God, not just the good. Everything is part of the story.
2. the left hand is the hand of the heart, of feeling. The right hand is the hand of the mind, of reason. So whoever follows the right hand has rationality, ritual, dogma, structure.
Whoever follows the left hand has chaos and wildness, emotional, irrational dances.
3. the left hand is linked to the right hemisphere of the brain, the right hand is linked to the left hemisphere of the brain. The right brain is for structure, order, system, reason and argument. The left brain is art, dreams, beyond, atmosphere.
4. the left half of the human being is Shakti, female, Kali, intuitive, spontaneous. The right half is male, Shiva, also ordering, weaving. Our hand is karma, the deed. Our actions are our spirituality, our being, not our thinking.
This is the four-part definition of the path of the left hand.
Actually, all paths are two-handed, the interweaving of the hands is the play of energy.
The mudra of life is a dance of hands.
Interwoven and weaving hands…
Tantra is an ever growing text of gnostic visions.

The dialog of heaven begins with a question.
Please, oh great deity, who has no name, please let me understand the opposites of the world, please let me realize the highest being.
Which path should I take, which face will lead me to you?
Where is freedom?
But please, speak in the language of the twighlight.
The language in between, between the words.
What color shall it be?
Infinite darkness
This is the womb of the mother.
Infinite darkness is the only bed.
Infinite and dark is the emptiness in between.
Nothing exists, everything passes away.
Die and destroy your world.
Dance, dance, dance, and be born again.
Love is the way to life.
Love is the power, love will kill you.
Who are you?
You have never been, and you will never be.
Become darkness, then darkness becomes light.
Embrace the suffering of the right.
Oh great flame, burn down, burn free. Burn like the lights in the sky.
Sun and moon pass away, for only the eternal fire of the center knows the way.
You body of space, you body of time, you body of death.
Do not flee from the winds, rise as storm and fire.
Blood-licking tongue, black darkness and white teeth. One scream and everything is over.
Here and there still blossoms, here still drops, and then there is ash, and then there is emptiness.
We call the gods of the threshold, destroy our human, move the armies south, where war rages in old earth.
In the south is fear, in the south is the throne of Yama.
In, through, away.

Everyone dances where the blossoms fall.
All dance where the naked scream.
And now be still, for silence is the darkness of sound.
Oppressive, heavy and cold, crumbled to dust, pressed under pressure, polished as stone, clear and strong, indestructible, the mirrors of your forms.
Born into a new being, died by the hand of grace. Many seek, many run, but only one knows the names, but only one knows the doors.
And in the cloudy smoke of sacrifice the flags carry us, to the halls, to the spaces, to the stars.
That is why you have left me.
No God, this is a dance of fire.
And the music plays the melody of the sea.
On the horses, let us ride to the gate, beyond lies the vastness, let us storm into time, directionless and uncertain.
You brave one, you warrior, where is your fear?
Oh lamb, in the belly of the wolf you are precious.
Like the beasts we will laugh, like the beast we will kill.
Eyes of fire, embers in the throat, eat man’s flesh, drink only blood, and weep not, for the teeth are hungry.
Old man on the border, lame and dry, cold and worthy. I have the toll for you, take yours, and let me through.
No one comes to be God but through you.
Oh mother, how naked you are, how thirsty and how golden.
Kill your children, dance in the woods, and bite deep into the flesh of lust, and laugh about it.
No one has given a law, no one can break it. No one will drink of the moonlight unless it is found in the bowls of skulls.
Drinker of blood, it is life, for everything dies, and everything bleeds, and with every sip we drink up this life, for every moment dies away and leaves itself behind.
Cloud of storm, hail and lava, vomited earth. How much further is it?
Nothing, only now.
Where can I find your eyes? In the core of time, in the now lies God, and whoever wakes him will die.

Dead worshipper, who moves your limbs? I do not walk, I rest. For he who walks does not move, like the sun.
Here is the word of freedom and death.
Like a black hole, in the heart of the waving lights, so the mirror sees itself, as a golden heart with fluttering darkness.
Black flames, three to the gate,… in, through, away.
Children find no parents, we stifle hope.
Your roaring power opens a new era.
Above, below, left and right. Crucified be your devil.
Never good, and never bad.
Man does not seek God, man seeks death alone.
Only the dead find God.
A handful of rice feeds the fire. A bottle of beer, and gods smile.
It is not cold here, there is no skin.
In the dark blue room everything is full of lead, and the wanderer never returns.
Do the lights light our way? What is light, and what is path?
I found you on the edge, to the left of madness, to the right of death, on the hair of love one must not stagger.
All the way to hell you pushed me, burned me, molded me. We are beaten like red-hot steel by the hammer.
Old woman, milk your milk into me and suckle my longing.
Play with me and tickle my feet, I am grateful, for we are one.
Laugh and kill, skull without flesh. Pungent smoke, a dance of bones.
And intoxicate yourself, child, this is the dance of the free.
We spit on the right corners, we are sphere, not surface.
Light, illuminate! Light, illuminate!
Horned star, your songs shall be sung. But no lyrics, they captivate the dancer, no words, only the crackling of the flames.
Everything is very simple. Being.
Who sees, hears, tastes, smells and feels the world beyond the gates?
Who is, is no longer.
Many are different.
Everything is always different.
So drink your poison and sleep, and let the awakened fast, for the open eye sees no food.
And revere the excrement like the dung on the prayers. Regard disgust as love downwards.
Bow down to the fields of repulsion.
Fertilizing limbs, organs and sex, semen and blood, mushrooms and gods.
The battle for the path has begun, smash your fortresses from within.
Speak to me, says divinity, with all the names of the world. And behold, it is the same door. Open the base, greet the elephant, and plant your heart.

And the serpent rushes up.
Here is the power and the great trembling.
O dark father, O dark mother, your names are many.
Just one word, just one syllable, just one name, just one moment.
And all is said, all is experienced.
Freedom is a prison, deliver us from good and evil.
Here is the axe, here is the bowl, here is the head. But here is no fear.
No fear.
No fear.
Bless us.
And burn until they trust.
Pray at midnight, pray at new moon. Pray naked and dance wildly.
Expect no answer, expect no desire. Never move.
Your steps are the shadow of life.
Give yourself as a sacrifice, your truth will be revealed.
Truth? Where I am, there is no truth.
Where I am, there is no I.
Loneliness is the company of kings.
Are you a hero, a lover, or a seeker?
Be no one and the gods will sing.
He who understands singing understands nothing.
He who understands nothing, sings.
Contradictions are only the boredom of the blind. There are no contradictions, never and nowhere.
Therefore never repeat yourself, every breath is a life.
I am It.
Haha, do you really believe that?
Never believe….
This is not a love song, this is the ejaculating tongue of your creation.
Kill your gods and they will save you.
On the mountain all is one.